March 10, 2025

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15 Essential Lean Six Sigma Concepts And Tools

Six Sigma Concepts And Tools

Introduction to Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma has its influence in the electronics organization Motorola. It was found in 1986 as a procedure to eliminate defects.

It is a dynamic tool. Over the last few years, organizations all through the world have maintained endless millions by integrating Lean and Six Sigma methods into their development.

It has a huge document of being adapted successfully all over many organizations

It is integrated into two different methods, united together to form an energetic tool to advance business development. Lean and Six Sigma.


There are several great formulas to gain knowledge in lean and six sigma. A lot of tools can be strongly used in confinements, which made it much simple to get started.

Set up the work area:

  • Sort (eradicate the things which are not needed)
  • Set In Order (setup the remaining products)
  • Shine (rinse and check out the work area)
  • Standardize (write definitive for above)
  • Sustain (frequently apply the standards)

How does 5S help?

Eradicate waste that issue from an indisposed organization work area.

Bottleneck Analysis

  • Classify which part of the construction process limits the global throughput and advance the achievements of the part of the development.
  • Advance the throughput by sustaining the weakest link in the development methods.

Continuous Flow

  • Assembling where work-in-action smoothly runs throughout the management with essential (or no) defense between methods of the development process.
  • Eradicate many patterns of waste (e.g. index, stand by time, and transport).

Heijunka (Level Scheduling)

A structure of development set up that explicitly manufactures in smaller bundles by a series of product differentiation within the same organization.

Shorten drive times and since each product is manufactured more frequently and inventory (since bundles are smaller).

Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment)

Coordinate the target of the organization(Strategy), with the design of intermediate management (Tactics) and the effort performed on the vine floor (Action).

Make sure that methods move forward towards the analytical goals in persistent and thorough – eradicating the waste that will come from the useless interaction and uncertain direction.

Jidoka (Autonomation)

Methods of equipment to moderately automate the construction process and that is partially automated and it is typically less expensive than fully automated and stops when defects are detected in the process.

 Customers can periodically guide the multiple positions and reduce the labor costs and many organization issues can be detected frequently and improves the quality of the process.

Just-In-Time (JIT)

The pull factor throughout the development is based on employee demand instead of that pushing factors throughout the development based on estimate demand. Remarkably effective in eliminating the catalog levels. Improves the cash flow and decrease the essential requirements.

Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)

An approach where customers work combined productively to achieve traditional, incremental advancements in the development process.

Associate the collective skills of an organization to manage the instrument for continuously eradicating the waste from the development system.

Kanban (Pull System)

A step of determining the flow of products both within the industry and outside the suppliers and workers. Based on the automatic necessities throughout the individual cards that determine when more numbers of products are needed.

Eradicate the waste from backlog and enforcement. And it can remove the need for physical funds.

Muda (Waste)

Anything in the construction development that will not add the value from the employee’s mindset.

The eradication of Muda (waste) is the initial focus of lean development.

Poka-Yoke (Error Proofing)

Layout error detection and prevention into development organization with the target of implement zero errors.

It is crucial and expensive to find all errors through the analysis, and finding and correcting the defects regularly and gets more expensive at each step of development.

Root Cause Analysis

A problem-solving technique that mainly focuses on the propose of the basic problem instead of applying stopgap and treat the actual cause of the problem. 

It helps the problem in making the elimination by finding the remedial action to the “root cause” of the problem.

Six Big Losses

Six steps of productivity loss that are essentially experienced in constructions:

  • Breakdowns
  • Adjustments
  • limited Stops
  • Reduces Speed
  • Operation Rejects
  • Production Rejects

It provides a layout to charge the most common cause of waste in development.


Smart Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Specific. It helps to make sure the goals are effective in development.

Visual Factory

Visual pointer, controls, and displays are used throughout the development of manufacturing plants to advance the interaction of data.

Makes the methods and conditions for developing the process and are easily available and very fair to everyone – to everyone.


Lean Six Sigma is a dynamic methodology that shares similar goals and terms to achieve employee satisfaction. It combines a new logic and integrated them into a new aspect. In the correct situations and following all the concepts and tools this will be very effective in improving the productivity of the organization and business that will increase uptime, eliminate cycle times, and eliminating defects and errors.