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7 Basic Plumbing Tips

Basic Plumbing Tips

We present you the best basic plumbing tips. If you are considering dedicating yourself to plumbing or simply would like to know the best tips and basic recommendations to fix plumbing problems in your home, keep reading. Different experts have compiled some basic plumbing tips so that you can apply them in your home or office.

Prevention is the key:

As with many other problems in the home (electricity, organization, etc.), without a doubt, prevention in plumbing is also key to avoiding greater evils. We strongly recommend avoiding throwing all kinds of food scraps down the sink.

A plunger is always a good idea:

A good option to end any plumbing problem that many times we do not even consider and it is undoubtedly a basic tip is to use a plunger for the pipes. To use it well, we recommend filling the sink, washbasin, etc. with some water, place the plunger in the drain, plug the vent and press hard to quickly end the clog.

Don’t throw food down the sink:

If we get used to throwing food around when we wash dishes or kitchen utensils, we can cause a big blockage in our pipes. If you have a food or food shredder it is something else but otherwise it should be totally avoided. Although it may seem that they are small things, if they accumulate, a traffic jam will form and also a bad smell. The same goes for cooking oil. If it is thrown down the drain it can end up producing a large clog.

Clear a sink clog:

Likewise, if you have not prevented well and have already caused the blockage in your sink, you should know that it is easy to eliminate it, but it is not pleasant, so it is always best to avoid its formation. To eliminate it when it is already you will have to use chemicals specially designed for this purpose and pour them down the drain to see if it is enough to eliminate the blockage in the pipes.

If this does not work, you will have to resort to a plumbing trick that consists of removing the pipes and directly eliminating the blockage from them in order to clean your installation and thus end the blockage and bad odors.

Tips for the toilet:

The same happens with the toilet, in this case especially when people who live at home or work in the office use the wipes and throw them down the toilet. This can lead to a serious problem because the downspout of an entire apartment block can become clogged, so you should certainly never throw the wipes down the toilet as a prevention.

If we follow this advice, as recommended by this specialized portal in Madrid, the most normal thing is that problems do not occur with the toilet but if plugs are created, it will undoubtedly be essential to call a plumber to solve the problem effectively. For Bathroom Design Ideas

Tips for the shower

At the level of the shower, as a main plumbing tip, we recommend preventing plugs by removing hair after each use. Keep in mind that otherwise, as in sinks with food, these will accumulate in the drain and eventually a large plug will be created.

Using hot bleach:

A good plumbing tip that is quite basic to be able to unclog a pipe, drain, shower, etc. consists of using hot bleach. Think that the bleach is really aggressive and will eat up all the encrusted debris and even the grease. Let it act for approximately fifteen minutes and then rinse with water, always being careful not to burn anything delicate.


As we all know, plumbers are responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining elementary systems in homes and workplaces. To do this, they use a wide variety of tools, so they have to be a true “handyman”.

Be that as it may, it must be borne in mind that plumbers do not only work in homes. They can also do it in industrial buildings, commercial buildings, large means of transport such as ships or airplanes. It is, therefore, a profession with more options than it seems.

What jobs do plumbers carry out?

One of the most common jobs is the creation and repair of drainage networks. At a particular level, the task that plumbers perform the most is to install taps and toilets, as well as to repair faults in pipes.
Plumbers also install heating and cooling systems in homes.
They assemble and repair water systems, both hot water systems and cold water systems.
Plumbers also waterproof roofs, although in this case it is a less demanded job than the previous ones.
In some cases, plumbers specialize in a specific subject. This will depend on the tastes and knowledge of plumbing.

What skills should a good plumber have?

As with all professions, it is recommended that plumbers fit a certain profile. In this case, the requirements not only have to do with personal interests, but also with physical form. In summary, a plumber must meet the following characteristics:

  • Good health and fitness.
  • Ability to work quickly.
  • Ability to pay attention to details.
  • Manual dexterity and resolution capacity.
  • Knowledge of health and safety regulations.

Job opportunities:

Wherever the plumber is located, he will have a guaranteed job opportunity, since his practical and theoretical knowledge do an indispensable job in the comfort of people. Possible job opportunities are as follows:

Self-employed. Many plumbers offer their services as freelancers. This allows them to cover small family groups and charge small consumers for their services.

Companies: Many plumbing professionals work in comprehensive maintenance companies for small homes or large buildings, where they work as a team with other professionals in homes, offices, etc.