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Tips For Writing A Good Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay

Are you a fan of nonfiction? Ever got interested in creative writing? You observe your capability of generating thoughts but you get confused whenever you try to put those down in words?

A narrative essay is a kind of essay that is completely dependent on your creative skills. This kind of essay is different from the rest as it focuses on anecdotal, experiential, and personal accounts.
In this blog, you will learn amazing tips that will assist you in delivering a profound narrative essay.
So read along:

Basic Tips for Narrative Essay Writing:

1. Have a Purpose:

You can never put forth or deliver a topic in an effective way until you have a purpose for
writing on that topic. You should ask yourself why you are considering to write on the particular chosen topic. What drove you or motivated you to hold a pen on the topic? What is the need for writing on this topic?
Once you have answered these questions your purpose and goals would automatically get defined.

2. Prepare an Outline:

You can never get to write well until you have aligned your thoughts and scribbled it down. If you are going to start your writing without having clarity on the topic then you will soon lose the grip of the topic.
So before you move forward with your narrative writing, the first and foremost thing that you need to do is to brainstorm the topic and jot down every relevant ideas or concept regarding the chosen topic.

3. Following a Definite Structure:

Learn it well and learn it now, be it any form of writing the essence of writing lies in its structure or pattern.
Hence, like every other form or type of writing, narrative essay writing follows a definite structure.
Divide your essay into three major parts, an introduction that will shed light on the concept you are seeking to deliver in the narrative essay, and the character description of the main characters. The main body will comprise of the different situations, perspectives, or examples relevant to your chosen topic or the onset of the events and finally, the conclusion that will sum up the entire topic you have chosen with some suggestion or some final words or piece of advice or call to action. The conclusion or climax has to be powerful enough that the readers can’t take them out of their minds.

These are the basic structural patterns you need to follow while you try to write a narrative essay.

4. Kickstarting Narrative Writing:

One of the most eye-catching ways to start your narrative essay writing would be to start your essay with some engaging or thought-provoking questions.
This will keep your audience stick to it and will make them ponder over what might happen next.

5. Opting Pronouns:

Like other forms of essay writing, narrative essay writing doesn’t discourage the use of personal pronouns like ‘’I’’.
In fact usage of personal pronouns in narrative has been the reason why some of the essays are very well received by the audiences.

Hence, keep this tip in mind while you set yourself on the journey of writing or presenting a narrative essay.

But the usage of personal pronouns should be according to its necessity, over usage of pronouns can impact the quality of your essay content.

6. Character Description:

Unlike descriptive essays, you do not need to discuss every little detail or aspect of the protagonist or the other major characters but that doesn’t mean entirely deprive your essay of that essence.
Since your narrative essay depicts the experiential or personal account of the protagonist hence, it is important for you to provide clarity regarding the characters in your essay.

7. Sentence Structure:

A narrative essay should possess a concise sentence structure, no exaggeration of sentences as it can make your essay look dull and would eventually bore the readers. If you want to get familiar with amazing writing pieces you can get assistance via a cheap essay writing service.

8. Editing:

Once done writing essay make sure you make all the necessary editing in the essay.

9. Proofread:

You sure wouldn’t want your efforts to go in vain. Right?
To deliver an error-free essay and grammatically sound essay make some time to proofread your essay so you can point and correct all the mistakes.

10. Read, Read, and Read:

This is the mandatory skill that you need to work on. Reading is all you need to write a sound essay as it assists you in enhancing your vocabulary. So before you write become a good reader.


These tips are what you need to inculcate while writing narrative essay. So read, practice and then execute your writing.