September 27, 2024

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A Comprehensive Analysis of The Dark Side Of Technology

Dark Side Of Technology

Technology is now an indispensable part of everybody’s lives. It plays a crucial role in every sphere of life, from schools to offices to hospitals to theatres.

Technology has made lives simpler in the form of super convenient gadgets. With the advancement in technology, gadgets are becoming lighter, faster, and smaller, and the functions are increasing day by day.

With this progress, the storage capacity has also increased manifold as compared to what it used to be. Any type of data and in massive amounts can be stored remotely or locally.

It has also increased data mobility. The data has become a broader term now that includes music, photos and videos.

With this development in technology, some disadvantages too. It is said, there are two sides to the same coin. Similarly, with pros, there are cons also for technology.

Following downsides of technology are mentioned below:

1. Data Security

With technological growth, vast amounts of data can be stored easily. Many organizations and individuals have their data and information secured with the help of technology.

Looking at the other side, with a single infringement, all the information can be easily accessed, putting the organizations and individuals at stake.

Terrorists, criminals and rivals for harmful purposes can use this information.  

2. Crime

Technology and the internet is accessible to everybody have become a prolific region for ill intent people like criminals.

Nowadays, criminals are using the internet as a platform for their promotions and recruitments.

Various other activities like drug peddling, human trafficking, political parties distorting elections etc. are also seen on the rise. 

3. Complex issues

With advancement, the complexity level has also increased. The machines that we use daily, for example, laptop, juicer, washing machine, are all a gift of technology to mankind.

But fixing them in case of a problem is not an easy job as their functioning no longer includes human interaction. Even minor fixation may involve a lot of time, effort, and money.

4. Privacy

Privacy is everybody’s right. In today’s times, with one single click, all the information is readily available. With easy accessibility, the risk of being stolen or sold also comes in.

Facebook is a classic example. If somebody wants to post a picture of them, anybody can have access to those pictures by just searching the name.

With excessive use of social media and the internet, it has become complicated to keep your personal information safe and private.

5. Socially Disconnected

Face to face socializing is a concept that is fading away day by day. People are increasingly using social media and communicating via comments, tweets, posts, etc.

The real-life contact is just becoming unreal. With life going online, many problems have also set in like depression, mental illness physical problems, etc.

The communications is restricted to social media platforms, wherein people fake and lead a life of pretence.

As per research, it is said that the main reason behind this mental illness is the increased use of digital platforms and the increased stress of being noticed and approached.

6. Data Manipulation

These days, data manipulation has become very easy. With free access to any software, no expertise is required to morph an image or mix two tracks.

With this, it is becoming difficult in distinguishing between the original and the fake. These issues are here to stay and will only increase as technology advances.

7. Plagiarism

The technology access is not limited to adults but is easily accessed by kids as well. With schools using modern technology, classroom teaching and homework have also been digitalized.

Any content available on the internet is easy to replicate. Though with technology, teaching has become a challenging job, it has made the life of the students easier.

Students copy and paste their projects and homework without applying their minds and learning anything.

8. Anonymity

Technology has made it more comfortable in concealing an individual’s identity. This has given leverage to anti-social elements who aim to harm the public.

People use fake identities, voice changing software, etc. for hiding their identities and misleading the law. Besides, for any personal enmity, the technology is used in the most attractive way to get hold of the person whose against the crime is being committed.

The world is getting smart.

Technology has engaged everybody in some way or the other. Some people are addicted to gaming apps, while others love surfing fashion and lifestyle websites.

Every sector is dominated by its apps that are easy to use, hassle-free and occupy less space. The technology has made things easy.

At night, suddenly if you realize that I need money now, you can always log in to your account, check your balance, and withdraw cash anytime from your nearest ATM.

Also, if you wish to start with your business, you can get the best of technology to ease out your initial processes.

Along with the technology, you can opt for business start-up loans from any banks or private lenders and go ahead with your venture. With digitalization happening, every process has been eased out, making the world a smarter place to live.