February 19, 2025

Gossip Posts

Today's Gossip

Always Calm, I’m Going To Rock This Thing: The Job As A Tutor

Job As A Tutor

Teaching at the university level- what is it like? This is exactly the question I asked myself when I saw a job advertisement in newspaper for a tutorial job at the seminar for media studies. That would be something for me – I have been haunted by the thought for a while that I might later teach at the university myself. I was lucky that Prof. Dr. Ute Holl selected me – and six other fellow students – for the spring semester 2020 as a tutor for the lecture “Introduction to Media Aesthetics”.

What if nobody takes me seriously?

I honestly have to admit that I was a little queasy when I first entered the classroom and met 12 students who were looking at me expectantly. What if I am asked a question that I cannot answer myself? What if nobody takes me seriously? 

Excerpts and mandatory attendance

In addition to the post-processing of the lecture material by Prof. Dr. Ute Holl included editing texts. The students agreed that each of them prepared an excerpt for one of the exam-relevant texts – which was then presented by them in the tutorial session. Incidentally, attendance was mandatory.

If in doubt: Ask Google:

Over time, thanks to the relaxed atmosphere that prevailed between me and the students, I became more and more confident in my actions. Some of the texts that we were dealing with were new to me. Of course, I didn’t have an answer for every question. But that was all less dramatic because what is there for Google and numerous reference works for?

Now it’s getting serious: test exam and exam

Then things started to slow down and the exam was just around the corner. I offered the students to do a trial exam, which I corrected (as desired) individually and which was discussed in the plenum. During the exam itself, I conducted with Prof. Dr. Holl’s personal assistant oversight.

No trace of a “fail”

A few weeks after the exam, the results were announced – all of my “protégés” were, fortunately, passed with flying colors. And when one of my tutorial participants thanked me personally with the words “Lara, I wouldn’t have done it so well without you”, it was clear to me that it was the right decision to apply for the Government job as a tutor to have.


Educating at the university level is actually the inquiry I posed to myself when I saw work promotion in the paper for an instructional exercise work on the class for media considers. That would be something for me – I have been spooky by the idea for some time that I may later educate at the college myself. I was fortunate that Prof and six other individual