March 11, 2025

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Control Insects In A Natural Way In And Around The House

Control insects in a natural way

Wasps are every parent’s terror. You also prefer to keep mosquitoes and flies away from the little one. In the spring and summer months, mosquitoes, wasps, flies, and ants are active. How do you prevent these insects from causing a nuisance in and around the house, without poison? Control insects in a natural way in and around the house

In case of nuisance from insects, spraying poison or putting down a bait box seems an easy solution. But it certainly isn’t. Preventing nuisance is the best solution against insects. You do not have to fight an animal that does not cause a nuisance. The cause of the nuisance is often humans because they (unintentionally) provide food sources and nesting opportunities.   

Bad for humans and animals

For children, in particular, toxins can have long-term harmful effects. Pesticides accumulate in humans because they are also found in fruits and vegetables. The fewer pesticides you ingest, the better.

A pesticide is also poisonous to beneficial insects such as bees and bumblebees. Imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam are associated with increased bee mortality. That is why there is a European ban on the use of imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam. This applies to open fields and to crops that are attractive to bees.

This is how you prevent nuisance

Install screens on doors and windows. Seal cracks and seams and place insect screens on ventilation holes.

Limit food sources. Keep the counter, hob, and table clean. Rinse the dishes immediately or put them in the dishwasher. Remove food residues such as crumbs and traces of sweets from the floor and furniture.

Do not use traps with attractants in the home. This is how you attract insects. You can set up a (homemade) trap outside. Control insects in a natural way in and around the house

Open windows against each other. Flying insects do not like to be in drafts.

For more tips on how to combat pests without poison, visit the Milieu Centraal site.

wasps-on-table wasps

Do not hang traps with, for example, sugar water in the garden. That’s how you attract wasps.

Do you eat outside? Clean your child’s face and hands thoroughly after eating with a wet washcloth or snout cloth. Do not leave food or (sweet) drinks for longer than necessary and clean up dirty dishes and waste immediately. It is still better not to give your child any sweets such as candy or lemonade outside.

If you want to kill a wasp, use a fly swatter.

Outside the wasp season, close openings in walls with so-called bee beaks (metal grids). Do not close cavity walls for nesting on the outside. The wasps then look for another way out and maybe invade the house.

Wasps are beneficial insects that you should only control if they pose a threat to you and your child. For example, when they nest near a window or door. Hire a professional company to remove the nest.

04-mosquito sting mosquitoes

Install screens on doors and windows. Seal cracks and seams and place insect screens on ventilation holes.

Avoid standing water (such as in flower pots, watering cans, and gutters), as these are breeding grounds.

Make sure that they cannot enter, especially in the evening and at night. Keep windows and doors closed.

Hang a mosquito net above the bed and apply an anti-mosquito agent.

05-fly-eat-fruit fly. Control insects in a natural way in and around the house

Place screens on doors and windows, close cracks and seams, and place insect screens on ventilation holes. Close the waste bin and compost bin properly.

Limit food sources. Keep the counter, hob, and table clean. Rinse the dishes immediately or put them in the dishwasher. Remove food residues such as crumbs and traces of sweets from the floor and furniture.

Open windows against each other. Flies don’t like to be in a draft.

Use a fly swatter. Or hang an adhesive strip (without poison).

Place a fly lamp. Do this in a place where the flies do not cause a nuisance (ie not in the kitchen) because such a lamp attracts flies. if you want to learn about How do I use the microwave? just click here

07-fruit flies-on-fruitFruit flies

Limit food sources. Keep the counter, hob, and table clean. Rinse the dishes immediately or put them in the dishwasher. Remove food residues such as crumbs and traces of sweets from the floor and furniture.

Do not leave ripe fruit. Store or eat it. Rinse dirty glasses immediately and change the water in the flower vase regularly.

Fruit flies sometimes nest in houseplants. Put the plant outside until the nest is gone. Do not use traps with attractants in the home. You are attracting them with it.

Open windows against each other. Fruit flies do not like to be in a draft.

Deter them with strongly scented herbs such as cloves, lavender, and basil. For example, place a basil plant next to the fruit bowl or put some cloves of garlic between the fruit.

Do not use a fruit-scented cleaner, such as lemon.

Are there many? Vacuum them up with the vacuum cleaner and throw away the dust bag.

You make a fruit fly trap with (apple) vinegar and some syrup or sugar in a bowl. Put foil over it and poke holes in it.

06-ants-in-house ants

Find the nest, for example in a flower pot or under a tile. Many people pour boiling water on the nest to kill them. But ants will leave their nest on their own if you flood it with cold water several times.

Limit food sources. Keep the counter, hob, and table clean. Rinse the dishes immediately or put them in the dishwasher. Remove food residues such as crumbs and traces of sweets from the floor and furniture.

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