February 19, 2025

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Digital Marketing Amazing Tips You Can Learn

Digital Marketing Amazing Tips

The strong synergies between the online and offline worlds have been demonstrated. Havas Group has reached this conclusion in its most recent study. Using “machine learning” techniques, it has been mathematically proven how digital advertising generates interest. And there is a great influence of the media in generating more searches. This is especially so in the health sector.

The efficiency of media in digital brands has been shown to be almost twice that of non-digital brands. Furthermore, a suitable combination of media is more efficient than a strategy of concentrating investment in a single medium.

Television is the most efficient medium. It is the cause of about 70% of online searches due to the effect of media advertising.

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The importance of good advertising planning

A customized Communication Plan is essential. That is why many companies seek the collaboration of specialists in the design of communication strategies. Companies that buy for their clients the most suitable means for the campaigns they decide to carry out.

To create a  Comprehensive Communication Plan  we propose the following scheme:

Briefing: Conclusions of the internal analysis of the company and its competitive context. The briefing is a summary of the company’s marketing plan since communication is part of its strategy. In the briefing, in addition to setting the objectives to be achieved, the advertiser must assign a budget to achieve them.

SWOT analysis: company resources and changes in its environment.

Canvas: the strategy summarized in a single visualization. It is about defining what is the company’s value proposition for a specific target.

Objectives of the comprehensive communication plan.

Setting a challenging goal, as well as credible, is essential. A word of advice: never assign communication targets that should be the responsibility of other channels or business resources.

In this part of the plan, the objective included in the briefing is developed considering the secondary objectives that will lead us to the main one. That is, a tree of objectives is designed. In this way, the main problem is broken down into more specific problems, thus facilitating its solution.

Communication strategy.

Brand territory. The brand territory or territories are the conceptual spaces that determine competitive and communication positioning.

Copy Strategy. The copy, also called the communication axis, is the central idea that the campaign wants to convey, it is the message itself. It is, therefore, the basis of all work both creative (in charge of the transmission shaft) and media planning (or selection of transmission channels).

Creative strategy. It is the central idea of ​​the communication or advertising campaign. Broadly speaking, in a briefly argued way. It is also the idea that we want to be fixed in the minds of our potential clients, our target group.

Media plan.

Budget allocation. It is a waste of time (and illusions) to generate a wonderful campaign, very creative, but that cannot be carried out due to lack of communication budget

Timing of communication campaigns. We advise planning one year ahead. Taking into account all the events, you can distribute resources and budgets efficiently.

Contingency plan: What to do if the control indicators detect problems? The best decisions are made calmly and on time. That is why it is so important to define early warning mechanisms and systems.

Algorithms in digital advertising

In this task of planning and controlling investment in advertising, technologies based on data science are of great help. Using the “Big Data” available to the company, it is possible to prevent customer behavior and design successful strategies.

To properly plan advertising campaigns, analytical marketing research models are used. In this way, it is possible to find emerging trends from different sources of company data. The appearance of techniques such as “Semantic Mediawicky”, “Internet of Things (IoT)”, “Internet of People (IoP)” or “Machine Learnig” have been a very positive milestone in the way of collecting information and process it. A new  digital environment , with work protocols that include data science, changes the rules of the advertising sector.

Technological advances have allowed the creation of relevant advertising messages for the target audience. It is possible to issue them at a precise moment so that the effectiveness of the investment in advertising increases. And, in addition, we can design the advertising with the recipient’s location in mind.

The interactivity that can be implemented in advertising pieces turns advertising into conversation. The possibility of identifying user profiles (reaching details of their behavior of which, possibly, not even the user herself is aware) allows messages to be personalized.

And the possibility of a much more agile, almost immediate measurement of advertising effectiveness has opened doors to a new way of working in communication and advertising.