March 10, 2025

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How Do You Choose The Right Light Source For Your Lamp?

right light source for your lamp

When you are looking for a light source for a lamp, it is first and foremost important to look at the properties of your lamp and, of course, to take your own wishes into account. A light source can be very suitable as a reading lamp but is less pleasant than a dining table lamp. And vice versa. Below we explain what you should pay attention to and we help you choose the right light source in four steps.

help choosing the right lamp

The light source in your lamp no longer works or you have just bought a new lamp and you are looking for a light source. In four steps we try to help you choose the right light source. In the video, we explain this step by step. Or read below about the four steps and even more information about light sources

Step 1: is the light source functional or decorative?

Are you looking for a lamp for a ceiling or a spotlight? Then you are probably looking for a functional light source. This light source must meet a number of requirements, but usually, this lamp is not chosen for its appearance.

A decorative light source, on the other hand, must provide good light just like a functional light source, but it should also be seen. For example, choose a lamp in a special shape or with a beautiful finish, such as the mushroom or a gold-colored globe in which the light spiral (LED filament) is visible, which creates a beautiful effect.

The shape is also important for a functional light source, because the light source is often screwed in somewhere or covered with a lampshade. Think, for example, of a small bullet or an elongated candle.

Step 2: Brightness of the lighting 

Depending on in which room and for what purpose the lamp is used, you choose a certain brightness of the light. For example, you don’t want to look into a very bright light at the dining table, but you do want to be able to read a book in the sitting area. In the case of the incandescent lamp, people often looked at the number of watts to determine the brightness of the light. Today, light sources are much more energy-efficient than the old incandescent lamp, which means that the wattage is much lower. The brightness of the light can best be read from the number of lumens (lm).  If you opt for a brighter light, it is useful if you can direct the light or control it by means of a dimmer. Not all light sources are suitable for a dimmer. It is indicated on the packaging whether this is possible.

Step 3: Light color of the light source

In addition to the brightness of the light, you can also look at the number of K which indicates the color temperature of the light in Kelvin. The color temperature, also called light color, indicates whether the light source gives a warmer (yellower) or colder (whiter) light. Between 1000 and 2500 K is a warm, soft mood light. Between 3000 and 4000 K gives a neutral light and between 5000 and 6000 K is comparable to daylight. The most chosen light source for the home is around 3000 K.

Step 4: The Right Fitting

The recess in the lamp where you turn the light source is called the fitting. The most common fittings are the E27, also called the large fitting, and the E14, also called the small fitting. If you have to replace a broken light source, the type of fitting is often stated on the lamp. This way you can easily buy a new one with the right fitting. If you no longer have the old lamp, you can often estimate which fitting you need based on the fitting in the lamp.

At HEMA you can find the following fittings:

• E14: small fitting

• E27: large fitting

• G4: plug-in fitting

• G9: plug-in fitting

• GU10: bayonet fitting

our favorite decorative light sources

What else should I pay attention to when buying a light source?

If you have completed all four steps, then you know which light source you want. Below we would like to explain the differences between the types of light sources and other useful tips.

What kind of lamp do I need if I switch from an incandescent lamp to another lamp?

Incandescent lamps are no longer allowed to be produced since 2009. Yet you can still find light bulbs in the store. When it was decided in 2009 that incandescent lamps could no longer be made, several companies made a huge stock of incandescent lamps that we still draw from today. Halogen lamps and especially LED lamps often last much longer in use and are also much more energy-efficient than incandescent lamps. HEMA therefore mainly has LED lamps in its range. If you want to switch from an incandescent lamp to another lamp, we are happy to help you.

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