January 15, 2025

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Today's Gossip

I Love Opal – What About You?



It comes in brown or light green without iridescence inside.

It has been used to improve mental speed, to achieve the initiation and acceptance of healthy eating habits, and to cleanse the body internally to allow rejuvenation.

It also gives you a state of relaxation as if you were in a state of meditation. It gives you information to solve problems in dreams and in the day also when your mind is dreaming. It allows you to stay aware and aware of your surroundings while stimulating understanding and promoting positive action.

The energy of the Green Opal makes you feel as if you are always under control and can carry out everything you need to do in your life.

On a physical level, it can be used in the treatment of flu, colds, and fevers and to strengthen the immune system. Also to warm the body in wintertime.


This Opal comes from pink with white or light pink to lavender and cream. This Pink Opal appears in massive streaks and has no iridescent light on the inside. Also called the peppermint stone.

It is a stone of renewal, capable of renewing the sacred relationship within the Self and All that is. It guides you on the journey of life, promoting in you the connection between the consciousness of the Being and the internal knowledge.

This stone instructs about love and non-violence, nurturing you in all aspects of your development.

It helps you to leave behind old patterns of thought or emotion, it illuminates your mind and cleanses it, and it also cleanses the space of the heart.

It has also been called: the Stone of Spiritual Awakening; bringing the creative aspects of the Universe to the person who wears or uses it. It is an excellent stone for activating self-healing mechanisms on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It also helps you to easily enter the meditative state and to stay in this state by allowing connection to other planes of existence.

On a physical level, it has been used to treat the lungs, spleen, and heart. In the elixir, it serves to calm the mind and body and to treat diabetes and hypoglycemia. The elixir is also very good to soften and regenerate the skin applied externally.


This Opal comes in reds, browns and oranges, full of iridescent light inside.

It is used to stimulate positive aggression when you need to carry out your projects or defend yourself against intolerable abuses. It also dissipates and reduces hostility such as attitude or aggressiveness and offensive behaviors; either in a person or in a place where this occurs, it will be enough to leave the stone in that place or use it as a permanent jewel if you have aggressive negative characteristics.

This mineral has been used to bring balance, between the left and right sides of the brain, to produce the ideal state of cooperation within the mind. This energy will then serve to re-program the mind with positive thinking, to access one’s potential and the ability to respond to circumstances, and reduce stress. This balance creates the potential for unlimited learning and allows you to generate positive results.

On a physical level, it is used to treat lung, stomach and liver problems.

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